Wednesday, February 09, 2005


A special Xmas for me this year having all three of my children home for 3 weeks, it was a very happy household and the kids loved the pool. During the break i scored a crappy little Pizza delivery job but it puts a few dollars in my pocket and works in well with Tafe. My computer crapped itself. My car is crapping itself. But i got my KYLIE tickets! yeah baby! P.s I will need Friday the 27th May off.

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Dart Rules OK


We are the Champions

Last night my dart team played the 'Sportsmans Hotel'in game 6 of round 1, we won 6/5 a narrow victory you might say but we had them beat pretty early on and slacked off the last couple of games we didnt mean to slack off but i think we did psychologically after knowing we had won enough games to win the night.

We shouldn't have backed off though the last two games ARE THE FECK'N BEER GAMES! damn lousy psychological afflictions!

Anyway my singles game which is a game of 501 was a white wash, i absolutely thrashed this bloke; i opened with a 100, followed up with a couple of 85's then a great 140, a 60 and a nice little three dart peg! I felt even better of the win when i was WARNED the week before about how good my opponent was. Yes im bragging, it was a good win and im proud of it.

For those who dont understand the basic rules of darts, check out my blog on the rules.Cheers.


Hey! how ya doin? sorry u cant get through; why dont ya leave ya name and ya number, and i'll get back to you.

Sorry about that, its a line from some 90's hip hop song by some mob i cant remember, which is a bit strange for me as im a bit of a music trivia type person you know, give me the name of a song and i'll tell you who sang it; most times i'll tell you what year and sometimes even the record label, im especially good with the 80's but i can do 60's 70's most 90's and some of todays music except all that hip hop crap like D12 huh! what a joke they are!

Wednesday, May 26, 2004


A favorite pastime of mine is to play darts, i play in a B grade team of which i am the captain.
Our team consists of 6 players and we play in a local competition in Wagga Wagga Australia.
Traditionally dart teams play for local Pubs, my team plays for a top little pub just out side of Wagga called the Shanty Hotel.
We play each Tuesday night and play against other competing Pub teams in Wagga as follows.

Farmers Hotel Ashmont Hotel
Kooringal Hotel Red Lion Hotel
Sportsmans Bar Turvey Tavern
Thomas Blamey Tavern Bridge Tavern

Monday, May 24, 2004

Image Insertion 2

This is an image of Kylie Minogue

Practice html blog with link

My favourite Kylie site is Limbo-Kylie on line @

Image insertion practise 'Kylie'



Friday, came home from picking up Kirk from school to find a little black and white puppy on the verandah, the poor little thing was scared to death but didnt try to run away. Kirk and i talked to it and soon it was approaching us and relaxing. The little dog resembles a Dalmation and although only a puppy i feel it is close to full grown. We bathed and fed the dog and it scrubbed up well although it took two washes to get her clean and she ate half a large tin of dog food, we then wacked a flea collar on her and hey presto! Just like a bought one! We have had the puppy all weekend now and no one has come looking for it, it seems to have been dumped. I will check the papers for a few days to check the lost and found but i think shes staying which is just fine the three of us have bonded well (except for the toilet training part). I feel a certain amount of fate may have befeld me as coincedently i have been thinking about getting a dog for company as i live alone and felt a dog may add something to my life and she is just what i wanted, and i had already picked a name ages ago...Laika, named after the little Russian dog that became the first creature in space (from this planet anyway).

Thursday, May 20, 2004

Rootchie Ka

There was this song that my mates and i would sing when we were all 'Drunk as 40 showies' it was something we sang as a group when we were out at a party or pub just to be dickheads (which isnt hard). It has some actions, ill try to explain as best i can. It goes; By the light of the flickering match I saw her snatch It was hairy and black ROOTCHIE KA ROOTCHIE KA ROOTCHIE KA KA By the light of the flickering match I saw her snatch It was hairy and black HANDS ON HIPS! ROOTCHIE KA ROOTCHIE KA ROOTCHIE KA KA By the light of the flickering match I saw her snatch It was hairy and black KNEE'S TOGETHER! ROOTCHIE KA ROOTCHIE KA ROOTCHIE KA KA By the light of the flickering match I saw her snatch It was hairy and black TONGUES OUT! WOOTHY AR WOOTHY AR WOOTHY AR AR.