Wednesday, February 09, 2005


A special Xmas for me this year having all three of my children home for 3 weeks, it was a very happy household and the kids loved the pool. During the break i scored a crappy little Pizza delivery job but it puts a few dollars in my pocket and works in well with Tafe. My computer crapped itself. My car is crapping itself. But i got my KYLIE tickets! yeah baby! P.s I will need Friday the 27th May off.


Blogger alex said...

Morland and her daughter repaired to their toilettes.. Identification is a highly important factor in the mechanism of hysterical symptoms; by this means patients are enabled in their symptoms to represent not merely their own experiences, but the experiences of a great number of other persons, and can suffer, as it were, for a whole mass of people, and fill all the parts of a drama by means of their own personalities alone...

September 2, 2007 at 8:52 AM  

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